Discuss the role of the exercise professional and the evidence examining the effectiveness of different teaching approaches and skills. The role of an exercise professional is to help their client and display certain characteristics while doing so. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (2010) states that an exercise professional should give individual attention to each client to help them achieve their personal goals through safe and effective practice. The service they provide should be reliable and of high quality. They should show high professionalism with each client and motivate them to achieve, as well as listen and respect the clients' thoughts and feelings towards the exercises they provide. These factors will allow the client to stay motivated and be successful in what they aim to achieve. One way an exercise professional can program exercises is to take a coaching approach. Coaching is a process that helps people identify where they currently are, where they want to go, and how they plan to get there (Wellcoaches Corporation, 2003). By doing so they would ensure that the clients' objectives are taken into consideration and that the desired regime can be implemented so that those objectives can be achieved. These points are in line with the ACSM (2010) guidelines, so should ensure that a positive outcome is achieved from client training. Another skill an exercise professional must learn is the idea of change. This means that not all clients will be ready to come in and do exactly what they are told; you may need to introduce them to different activities gradually and not rush them to ensure no motivation occurs. Prochaska et al., (1994)......half of the article......ces for the personal trainer. (3rd ed.) Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Jordan, D.J. (1996), 'Leadership Styles', Camping Magazine, 68, 4, p. 19Kauffman C. Positive psychology: the science at the heart of coaching. In: Stober DR, Grant AM, editors (2006). Evidence-based coaching manual: putting best practices to work for your clients. Hoboken (NJ): John Wiley & Sons. Loehr J, Schwartz T, (2003). The power of total involvement. New York: Free Press PublishingMiller WR, Rollnick S, (2002). Motivational interview. (2nd ed.) New York (NY): The Guilford Press.Moore M, (2006). Wellcoach training manual. Wellesley (MA): Wellcoaches Corporation.Prochaska JO, Norcross JC, Diclemente CC, (1994). Change forever. New York: William Morrow.Wellcoaches Corporation, (2003). Fitness Training Skills Manual. Wellesley (MA): Wellcoaches Corporation Publishing