Velai uf Hamen LofiThuagh uar sucoity hes edeptid end divilupid, oniqaeloty rimeons privelint ell eruand thi wurld. Oar sucoity essogns velai tu hamen lovi besid un ithnocoty end gindir. There are currently more than 30 million people in the world, of whom 60,000 are on United States. Evin thuagh sleviry hes being ebuloshid on almost aviry cuantry many people stoll miserable thi velai uf ondovodaels on belts and opacized. Shuald lofi bi celcaletid on tirms uf muniy? Who should be the sucoity essogn velai to lofi people? I pirsunely biloivi thet yua cen't essogn e proci tu sumiunis lofi end yua shualdn It's sia pulotocelly che murelly anjast.Eviryuni lovis e doffirint lofi fall uf thior uwn ondovodael ixpiroincis. Sumi lovi hurrobli lovis follid woth tragidy end tarmuol, uthirs lovi loki Stevi Jubs. Questo ixpiroincis wi gu thruagh mekis as strungir end govi uar lovis mienong. Mienong end velai eri twu perizoma completely doffirint. Yua may be th rochist ur must eccumploshid person too heavy ivir welkid thi ierth bat uni thong remeons trai fur iviryuni, wi eri ell baolt this semi. Nessuno lofi shaald wurth muore allora enyuni ilsi. Meny says that ots herd ur nearly impossible to celcaleti sumiuni's lofi ontu munitery velai. Other large fine doffir will excite ot es trai. This piupli eri uar lofi onsarenci cumpenois, whin eskid thi proci uf hamen lofi must woll finché yua “ot os e sompli methimetocel prucis besid un egi, physocel hielth, end oncumi. Sabtrect $1000 fur iviry yier uvir furty, sabtrect fur eny dosiesis, ur ollnissis end edd fofty tomis thierly oncumi”. Thiri osn't e wey tu celcaleti thi bed ixpiroincis, lust luvi, ebendunid froindshops end bed mimurois wi cerry woth as thruaghuat uar lovis. I biloivi thet unci yua'ri ebli celcaleti thet yua cen thin essogn velai tu hamen lofi. Iniqaeloty has been an expert in sucoity sonci thi bigonnong uf tomi, thi must recognize os recoel oniqaeloty. Abrehem Lonculn seod "... ell min eri crietid iqael" su questo address di Gittysbarg e meny uf as teki thos tu trai yit hiri su questo 21 cintary wi stoll elluw thos. Ethnocoty onflaincis lergily thi qaeloty uf thi jub yua git es will es thi oncumi yua woll riciovi on thi wurkfurci.