Topic > Creation vs. Evolution - 1151

Today many scientists would like you to believe that evolution is the only reasonable explanation of the universe. Scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, claim to have proven that evolution is the correct answer to the origins of life and the universe, but evolution is still a theory. This problem occurs because evolution is not the only answer. Indeed, the theory of creation offers a more plausible answer to the origins of the universe than the theory of evolution. Creation has the support of the Bible, an extraordinarily credible book; where evolution provides a theory with many holes. Too often the Bible is considered a weak argument, but why? When the Bible is used as a reference for any topic, its accuracy is immediately called into question. The Bible, in fact, is actually one of the most proven books in history. The Old Testament is referenced in several ancient Near Eastern manuscripts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Masoretic Text. The Dead Sea Scrolls, found in 1947, contain the entire Old Testament except Esther. These discovered original manuscripts date back to 200-100 BC Although the Dead Sea Scrolls are not the Bible, they help demonstrate the accuracy of the Masoretic text (Arnold, 28). The Masoretic contains our version of the Old Testament. Although the oldest available copies date back to 1000 AD, scholars believe the text reflects copies from 100 AD. The Masoretes were serious about copying the Old Testament. In Encounting the New Testament A Christian Survey, the text states: “They knew, for example, that the Torah – the first five books of the Old Testament – ​​contained 400,945 letters!” (Arnold, 27) Understandably, this may not make much sense, but the care taken to preserve the... middle of paper faith, but creation has much more indisputable evidence in its favor. Science was originally created to explore how God created the universe, and science today still demonstrates creation over evolution. Works Cited Arnold, Bill T. and Bryan E. Beyer. Encountering the Old Testament A Christian Inquiry. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. Print "Creation vs. Evolution." Institute for Creation Research. np, n.d. Network. September 11, 2011.“God created the universe.” Curiosity. Discovery. August 7, 2011. TelevisionPyles, David. “Examples of Scientific Accuracy in the Bible.” Primitive Baptist Web Station. np, n.d. Network. 7 September 2011., Vance. “Encyclopedia of the evolution of science”. Street lights. np, n.d. Network. 10 September 2011.