What crime affects one to four women in the United States each year? Domestic violence. This crime is responsible for approximately 30% of female homicides (Asher, Elba). Women need to understand the severity of this crime and know that laws exist to protect them so that they do not feel so helpless in any violent dispute. Domestic violence has increased dramatically over the years. Domestic violence is a concern for most. The victims most affected, both emotionally and physically, are women. They fall into different categories: single, married, separated or divorced. For years, people try to avoid this conversation. Women of all ages, all ethnicities and all social levels are affected by domestic violence in their homes. There are many reasons why this issue has been ignored for decades. Domestic violence is clearly an issue that many agree on. It is the solution on which most are divided. Many agree that one solution to violence against women is to prevent it from happening through tougher laws against abusers. Domestic violence Domestic violence is the most widespread violation not only of human rights but of all women's rights. Domestic violence can be defined as an act of physical, verbal or emotional abuse between intimate partners. Abuse usually starts slowly and then gets worse over time (articles on domestic violence). It begins with a display of violence against a thing or situation, and then degenerates into threats and insults. The violence worsens and the victim suffers slaps, beatings, pushes and punches. Domestic violence is an epidemic in our society with dramatic and negative effects on women and their families. It is a social problem that occurs daily in all parts of the world. Hund... middle of paper... there's little you can do about it. No agency or government is willing to fund research on male victims. Due to the lack of funding for male victims, very few shelters accept them. Most shelters only accept women and children. Because agencies and the government refuse to fund research for men, people are still under the myth that women are only violent when they defend themselves or that men can easily leave an abusive relationship. Men who experience domestic violence can only receive help if they break the silence. However, there is some help for men who are victims of domestic violence. MenWeb (www.batteredmen.com) offers resources for men who are victims of abuse, as well as a place to tell their story. There is a hotline for victims of domestic violence, rather than male or female (1-888-7HELPLINE) operated by a non-profit organization in Harmony, Maine.