Many people have a relative who has had an exciting past or an interesting career. For example, some may have a father who was involved in World War II. Some may have an uncle who was an astronaut. Some may even be related to a president. Each of these is respectable in its own right, however, there's one man who's done all three - and he's not even old enough to drive. Jeremy Dustin Wicks was born in a trench in Germany, the day before the end of World War II. His father, Lucifer Darrell Wicks, was an American and his mother, Amy Darla Grant, was German. They had had a complicated, intimate and also highly illegal relationship. She had hidden the fact that she was pregnant by pretending to gain weight, and so Lucifer only found out that he was going to be a father the same day Amy went into labor. Dustin entered the world elegantly, dressed in his red velvet tunic that is his signature outfit, even today. He is said to have uttered the phrase of the prophecy: "At last I have been born!" - and his parents knew immediately who their son was. His m...