Interpreting the Child, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 using the Code of Practice helps to maximize the quality of care for patients considered minors under the law. Under section one hundred and forty-four of the Act, it states that no agreement will be confirmed without the consent of the child or young person where practical and applicable (ACT). This applies directly to nursing under Principle Three of the Nursing Code of Conduct. For example, according to standard 3.2 it is stated that in nursing practice the health consumer has the right to have their choices respected when it comes to decisions regarding their care (COC). This is applicable when it comes to making decisions for a minor. Although the doctor prescribes the patient's decision-making capacity, as a nurse it is essential to integrate the patient's wishes as completely as possible (PRAC DESION H CARE ETHICS). This view is reiterated in standard 3.5 of the Code of Conduct, which states that in circumstances where the healthcare consumer is unable to be actively involved in their healthcare decisions, the nurse should take comprehensive measures to provide care that is in the best interests of the healthcare consumer, also aiming to personalize care based on the specific needs of patients