Johnny Cash was born on February 26, 1932. His parents called him JR because they couldn't settle on the name John or Ray, so they named him JR. His father was a poor farmer who moved the family several times while Johnny Cash was a child. This created a lot of instability in his younger years. His father was a farmer, and when the farms weren't doing so well in the early 1930s, his father packed up the family and moved them to Dyess County in northeast Arkansas. There was government assistance there to be had. The government provided Johnny's family with a house, a barn, and some farmland. This allowed their family to grow cotton. His family remained there and finally built a home for themselves. His father never really cared about Johnny Cash. His father especially liked his brother Jack. His brother Jack was just above Johnny in age. Johnny loved him and they were very close. One day Jack would go to work in the shop class at school to help the family earn extra money. Jack used a large saw that had the safety removed. In one unfortunate accident the saw cut Jack straight through the intestines and ribs. A few days later Jack died and this made Johnny very sad and would change Johnny's life forever. Jack was always the one JR's father chased when he was drunk. Now it was Johnny's turn to be the strong brother. After his brother's death, Johnny's father said he wished it had been Johnny who had died that day. This was a tragedy that Johnny never fully got over. Psychodynamically, his father's non-acceptance has always been a traumatic thing for him to deal with. His father never told him he loved him and was never proud of him until his mark... middle of the paper... I have a feeling it would be very difficult if not impossible to rehabilitate Johnny Cash. I am of this opinion because many efforts were made to contact him while he was alive and he had also undergone several treatment programs. At times he seemed to be very helpful in seeking help. His lifestyle, however, would make it extremely difficult for him to stay on a consistent treatment program. Works CitedCash, V. & Sharpsteen, A. (2007) “I walk the line: My life with johnny” Scribner, New York, New YorkFine, J.( 2004) “Cash by the editors of rolling stone” Crown Publishers New York , New York. Miller, B. (2004) “Cash, an american man” Simon and Schuster New York, New York. Streissguth, M. ( 2006) “Johnny Cash the biography” Da Capo Press Cambridge MA. (pages 6-66)2000 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth edition Text revision.