Topic > Plato and Aristotle: their contributions to...

The philosophies of Plato and Aristotle and their contributions to the development of Western philosophy. Plato was a classical Greek philosopher and one of the top 5 contributors to Western philosophy, an educator named after his mentor, Socrates, and a teacher of Aristotle. His sophistication as a writer began under the tutelage of Socrates, continued through the founding of his own academy (the Academy of Athens which has been labeled the first institution of higher learning in the Western world), and throughout his many years as a writer. open-minded author. Many of his works in early adulthood showed his willingness to ask questions of any kind, without any preference for scope, difficulties of resistance, current political and intellectual issues. Plato had such an authentic quality in his writings that made him much more distinctive among all others. of the great philosophers and that literary path is unique, but has been related to many of his contemporaries and close followers over the centuries. That specific style is the “dialogue” form, not like many of the other brilliant ones ...