Importance of Trust The first step in promoting collaboration is to build trust because without trust it is not possible to lead and achieve extraordinary feats. If a leader cannot distrust and relinquish control of a project, he or she will end up doing all the work themselves or micromanaging their employees. Trust is one of the most important elements of a winning team as if one feels that their team is withholding information or not telling the truth, or working against them, nothing good will come of the work the team is trying to accomplish . In fact, teams that felt they could trust their leader were more open about their feelings, understood the group's goals, and were able to find solutions to problems encountered. However, teams that did not trust their leader ignored their leader's attempts when they were open and honest because they perceived these attempts as a way to deceive them. To start the trust process, the leader will be more successful if he or she is the first to show this trust by opening up to members and relinquishing power, demonstrating that he or she trusts members before members are asked to trust his or her leadership. This could be in the form of personal and work-related information, such as sharing your values and beliefs or sharing company information that your team might not otherwise be aware of in their current position. In addition to building trust if you are in a position that he or she doesn't know all the inner workings of how the company works, it can foster collaboration by observing, listening, and learning about the company and the people who work there before you start contributing changes. People will trust a new… paper medium… that was needed. By working together, we were able to bring her to that level of confidence and, as a result, we all reaped the profits of her success. Conclusion Rebecca continued to work at the university for three years because after her husband graduated with a degree in Pharmacy they returned to her hometown where she got a job as a pharmacist. A couple of weeks after she left, I received a personal note from Rebecca at my home in which she thanked me for all the time I put into her education and attributed her success in college to knowledge, guidance, and to the support she received from Me. While I appreciated her thoughtfulness, I should have been the one to thank her for giving me the privilege of passing on my knowledge to someone who will go on in life and set the same standard of leadership that she set for me. kindly allowed to give them.