Topic > Benchmark data - 747

Continues to place strong pressure on hospitals to maintain high patient satisfaction scores. As a result, healthcare organizations continue to look for ways to improve patient satisfaction scores. CMS reimbursement depends on these scores. Safety is also a component of patient satisfaction. The Joint Commission standards require that safety objectives be established that involve direct nursing care. Examples of these measures are reducing patient falls, preventing pressure ulcers and improving medication administration. Furthermore, patients are becoming wise consumers and access to information is easily available, potential customers are aware that these scores are at their fingertips. As a result, many organizations are looking to evidence-based practices that have shown a direct impact on patient satisfaction scores. One of the practices is the hourly rounding protocol. Hourly rounding is a proactive approach that has achieved positive results; its focus on patient-centered care has led to significantly improved satisfaction scores (Ford 2010). Organizations began implementing hourly rounding after a study that included 14 U.S. hospitals. The findings of Meade, Bursell, and Ketelsen (2006) inspired Lehigh Valley to implement hourly rounding into the daily routine of their healthcare workers. The national study indicated a direct impact on patient safety and satisfaction as a result of attention to hourly rounding (Meade, Bursell, & Ketelsen, 2006). The results showed that hourly rounding impacted patient safety through a decrease in falls. The increase in patient satisfaction scores was evident by an increase in satisfaction scores as well as a decrease in call light usage. Consistency and employee engagement directly impact success and com...... paper-based practice. A thorough preliminary assessment and follow-up were also completed. As a result of this team's efforts, the Lehigh Valley also achieved results that mimicked those of the national study. These findings lend credence to the original study and as a result more and more organizations are incorporating hourly rounding into their daily practice. Works CitedKessler B, Claude-Gutekunst M, Donchez AM, Dries RF and Snyder MM, (2012) TheMerry Go round of patient rounding: ensuring patients get the brass ring; Med SurgNursing vol. 4 (pp 221-228) Ford, Beverly M., (2010) Hourly Rounding: A Strategy for Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores; MEDSURG Nursing, vol. 19/n. 3Meade, CM, Bursell, AL and Ketelsen, L. (2006), Effects of nursing shifts on patient call light use, satisfaction and safety. American Journal of Nursing 106(9)