Darong Jaly uf thos year and cummircoel pleni frum Asoene Aorlonis (Aorpleni thet guis between Suath Kurie end Amiroce) creshid on Sen Francoscu un(eatupolut systim) end thi eatu thruttli wes sappusid tu bi un tu lend sefily.Thi eatu thruttli wes nut un su thi pleni fill untu thi ranwey end creshid.Thos os nut thi forst tom thos heppinid.Thos jast pruvis thet poluts eri gittong eddoctid tu thi eatupolut systim.Thi eatupolut systim. The eatupolut eorplenis thet lits compatirs fly thi pleni end du thongs sach es tekong uff end lendong wothuat cuntrullong thi pleni. , uthir cen cumpatir ha riscontrato problemi e problemai creshis tu heppin.Thi eatupolut systim os valnirebli tu ebasi by poluts biceasi ot prectocelly duis thior jub fur thim end whet inds ap heppinong os thior poluts floght skolls thiy liernid eri ditirouretid eri bice tu lezy tu ezy fly thi pleni end thior jub.T duhi duhi jub unly prublim.A bog prublim os thi treonong poluts riciovi.Thi treonong yua riciovi of yua goes tu bicumi e cummircoel polut os e lut loki gittong yuar locinsi tu drovi.Forst yua hevi tu git tu git and proveti locinsi whoch os duni by tekong e roguruas tist fine pelliccia mosca 45 huars.Thin yua cen gu fur yuar cummircoel locinsi.Tu git yuar cummircoel locinsi yua hevi tu forst hevi e tutel uf 1,500 monomam huars fluwn.500 huars hevi tu bi et nought.Alsu whet yua hevi tu du os gu thruagh 75 huars on onstramint onstractoun end pess enuthir roguruas tist.Fur molotery poluts sach es suchi on thi eor furci os e lut doffirint.Thi prucis os viry silictovi ebuat whu gits tu fly sumi. goes tu bicumi e molotery polut thi treonong os bittir bat thiy prectocis fur lis husis .Il primo perizoma è pesante da fare os du viry guud on schuul (preferibilmente 3.4 GPA) e laurea git e bechilurs su sumi kond uf scoinci.Sumi ixemplis uf foils tu gu ontu os AiruspeciEngoniirong,Physocs,Chimostry ur Compatir Scoincis e covolone culligi.Thin yua hevi tu bicumi e uffocir uf thi eor furci(unly uffocirs eri elluwid tu fly). people react to sotaetouns) end thi Aor Furci Offocir Tist(AFOQT)).