Topic > Knowledge Worker and Healthcare: A Definition of…

Knowledge Worker in Healthcare Knowledge workers are valuable to any organization, but healthcare needs knowledge nurses to keep up with the organizations they work with. Healthcare technology is what drives organizations to constantly learn new best practices to keep up with the evolving world of healthcare IT. Successful organizations allow all staff to participate in running the hospital, this new way of thinking provides more opportunities for well-connected workers to help with the innovations needed to keep the organization in the race to be the best. Today is a great day to be a nurse, there is no longer the nurse of the past who carried out basic tasks without any autonomy. The new nurse is full of knowledge to not only grow as a person, but also as part of a team of people who are making a difference in the healthcare field. The concept of the knowledge worker Webster's dictionary definition of knowledge is “the information, understanding, or skill you gain from experience or education (2011).” The key words in this definition are experience and education. Being a knowledge worker requires a combination of both of these skills. Knowledge workers are valuable to any organization because of the ideas and innovation they can bring through school and job training how to perform tasks. The next generation nurse must transform from a skilled worker to a knowledge worker. To obtain this knowledge, nurses must use experiences and observations over time author to author, but the main key point is that a knowledge worker in healthcare is creative and innovative. They have the ability to identify problems and work…halfway…for themselves, allowing them to be discharged sooner and to be more involved in their own care. Conclusion Nurses can continue to evolve into people who are not just patient advocates, caring and empathetic, but those who can improve the quality of care necessary for the advancement of health care. healthcare as a whole. Technology is at the forefront of innovation, and today's nurse plays an important role in not only learning how to best use technology, but also how to teach and be the innovators of new technologies to come. Nurses have evolved into these knowledge workers through increased education, increased use of evidence, and by participating in more than just performing simple patient tasks. Successful organizations allow nurses to participate in their growth and in return nurses reap the benefits of working for these organizations.