The author begins with an assessment of the ignorance of "today's" consumers regarding the entire process of food, from the land or factories from which it originates to the table of consumers, where does it end. The author writes, “For them (consumers) food is practically an abstract idea – something they don't know or imagine – until it appears on the supermarket shelf or on the table” (Berry 64). The author then goes on and defines the word “Industrial Eater” which is essentially that type of consumer who does not know the connection between eating and the earth, and who is therefore passive and uncritical, the author calls those eaters victims (Berry 64 ). The writer uses the term victim to cleverly generate a connection between: food, consumer awareness, food industries and, ultimately, freedom. One cannot be free if someone else controls his mind and voice; similarly, one cannot be free if food and its sources are controlled by someone else (Berry 66). The analogy serves as a wake-up call to consumers to realize the importance of understanding the origin of food and revealing the true goal of the food industry, profit. Wendell Berry's essay is much more critical of the food industry's modus operandi and its ethical principles than Trish Hall's article. Wendell Berry, therefore, provides seven distinct instructions on how to eat responsibly. Four of the seven points involve learning more about the food we eat and where it comes from, as well as the additional chemicals added by food companies. For the remaining points, the author recommends growing your own food if possible, dealing directly with local producers, and preparing your own food by avoiding pre-cooked products (Berry 68-69). All this