Topic > Diversity - 1578

People are not the same. Everyone is different. This essay will begin by providing a detailed description of what diversity is and how it applies in today's modern society. Although sometimes linked to equality and used interchangeably, the terms “equality” and “diversity” are not the same thing. It will therefore be necessary to define diversity. For the purposes of this essay diversity will be used in the social context, the word social will be used in relation to human society and its members, social institutions, social evolution, social forces and social legislation. The essay will first look very briefly at the history of diversity, but will focus mainly on the current perspective. The essay will go on to provide several in-depth examples of how diversity is applied and functions in today's modern society. The essay will then go on to critically discuss, with examples, where these have led to stigmatization and discrimination within some parts of society. The assignment will conclude with a general summary of the essay. Diversity literally means difference and these differences can be seen in all aspects of society. The word diversity is used in many places in the English language, for example it can be used in science and technology, economics and law. In society we use the word diversity to highlight differences. Diversity refers not only to differences in culture and ethnicity but also to differences in gender and sexual orientation, psychological and cognitive differences between people, and differences in political values ​​and beliefs (Hallet, 1996). The terms diversity and difference can have deeper connotations. To fully understand them it is important to know that the terms come from particular contexts. The topic... at the heart of the document... In the United Kingdom the British Army immediately recognized civil partnerships and granted married gay couples exactly the same rights to benefits and housing as heterosexual couples. The Royal Navy performed civil partnership ceremonies on ships, and the British Army performed gay weddings in barracks. Discrimination and stigma have also been associated with health. For example, the AIDS virus brings with it a great deal of stigma and discrimination that exists throughout the world. This discrimination also occurs alongside racism, homophobia and misogyny. All stigmas are associated with gay people, prostitution or drug use. Such misinformation makes it difficult for people to manage their illnesses or problems and prevents governments from taking action. It can also dissuade people from accessing healthcare treatments and getting the right advice for themselves and their families.