For most people, a certain color can represent something significant. While in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, many of the colors used in the novel are meant to represent something. The setting of the novel is in East and West Egg, two places in New York. Our narrator, Nick Carraway, lives in West Egg. Besides living in West Egg there is Nick's friend, Jay Gatsby; a character in love with Daisy Buchanan. Unfortunately, Daisy is married to Tom. As the plot unfolds, the reader notices the connection between certain colors and their importance to the novel. The use of colors within The Great Gatsby symbolizes current themes, as gray symbolizes corruption, blue symbolizes reality, and green symbolizes jealousy and envy. For starters, gray is a dull color, so naturally it would make sense if Fitzgerald used that color to symbolize corruption. In The Great Gatsby there is a place called the Valley of Ashes. “The 'Valley of Ashes'... symbolizes the human situation in an age of chaos. It is 'a certain desolate area of land' where 'ash-grey men' faintly swarm, raising 'an impenetrable cloud, which hides their dark dealings from your sight'” (Dyson 113). Nick thinks the place is “a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills into grotesque gardens” (Fitzgerald 23). And that's exactly what it is, since it's a barren land of human waste. Wilson and his wife Myrtle live in the Valley of Ashes. The Valley of Ashes resembles something dark and lifeless. As a result of fire, ashes represent destruction and death. Furthermore, Myrtle Wilson's death in the Valley of Ashes represents the pain and corruption associated with this valley and Myrtle Wilson's death. Also...half of the represent all the jealousy and envy. In conclusion, Fitzgerald uses colors to express the different themes of the novel. The gray color in the Valley of Ashes symbolizes all corruption, while the blue color represents the reality that is blinded throughout the plot, and the green represents all jealousy and envy. Ultimately, colors have a very important meaning to the book, just as certain colors can have importance to people. Work cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2013. Print.