Health Insurance Plans Premium insurance is important for everyone in the country. Health insurance covers a certain amount of money to the insured person in case of a certain event such as hospitalization and surgery. Commonly health insurance premium purchasing choices cover a simple solution in purchasing private health insurance. The premium is the amount that must be met by the families or authority to subscribe. While for the career the payment should be affordable, there is much more evidence that the requirement must be respected while setting the premium. For employees with higher incomes, there was no relationship between risks and the probability of being insured in any way, but for employees with lower incomes, the greater probability applies in small businesses, they were less likely to have coverage group, but employees with lower incomes had the same coverage. engross would be no less pleasant to insure if they carried higher risks than if they were moderate risks indicated by (Bradley, 2001). Research (Morrison, 2002) has found a very strong link between health and income as employees attribute an important role to health in deciding to purchase health insurance. Higher-income employees may be able to manage such financial risks, while lower-income employees may feel more likely to give up insurance coverage, receive handouts, or worry about bad debt if a chronic circumstance arises and increase their insurance premiums (Culter, 1994). Typically, premiums may vary based on individual and family coverage and sometimes depending on family size and composition, and in some geographic areas. But they cannot change with age, gender or health conditions. A little more common is the modified community classification where premiums are tolerated... half the paper... rice, but also the benefits available to them and also the quality of the doctors (Robbinson,1997). According to (Lynn, 2006), the scope dimension addresses various benefits and suggests that excessive or complete protection, no limit to which health services are covered and not just protection of everyone's health insurance benefit package required health services. healthcare services, it also provides protection to all the desired healthcare services. Employees may be satisfied with the benefits package offered by a health insurance plan, which is the plan that may be unsatisfactory and probably due to the cost of minority members, and must say that the evaluation whether the benefits of the health insurance package are adequate or inadequate is not possible or that the assessment fails to recognize that a minority of employees are dissatisfied underinsured.