Topic > Critical Appreciation of Langston Hughes - 728

In the poem he talks about his thoughts on the American dream. He explains that America should be America again and that it should be the dream it once was. He wants America to be a land of peace and love. He also discusses never receiving his freedom and equality in America. At the beginning of the poem Langston prays for America to be America again. It paints a negative picture of America. During slavery and oppression they destroyed land to build settlements. He explains that the ideal America is just a dream. He says “Let America be the dream dreamers dreamed of.” Langston explains the difference between his desires for America to become a better place. It mentions immigrants who come to America thinking it's a safe and loving place, but the dreams never come true. It recognizes that people come to America for equality, wealth and acceptance. He applauds those who dreamed a strong and courageous American dream. However, African slaves had no other choice in coming to America. Although they had laid the foundations of the free homeland, which remains with