German doctors in the year 1922 worked with domestic dogs to find out more about diabetes mellitus. They would take a small gland located directly under the stomach called the pancreas. After removing this gland, all the dogs showed all the symptoms of diabetes. They died shortly after. Many dog shelters and workshops made them pee in the corners of the workshops. On summer days they left the windows open, letting in insects like ants. Because they are attracted to sugar, many of them clustered around the urine of dogs in the lab. Although this was an accidental discovery, diabetes was now tested through urine, and because doctors removed dogs' pancreases and their pee was highly sugary, blood sugar control was linked to the pancreas. In short, diabetes prevents the pancreas from working. For people who had diabetes mellitus, the year 1921 was very important. It was the year that Canadian doctor Frederick Banting and his assistant Charles H. Best discovered a special hormone in the dog's pancreas. This hormone is called insulin. July 30, 1921 was the year they tested this hormone on dogs and noticed a significant decrease in blood sugar levels. Thanks to JJR Macleod, both Banting and Best, purified insulin. After a year this has helped many people, including a little boy with severe diabetes. Banting and Best both shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. They became the "discoverers" of insulin and changed the lives of those living with diabetes mellitus. In the article on the pharmaceutical industry of Britain, it is stated that insulin was discovered long before 1921. In 1869, it is said that Paul Langerhans, a medical student from Germany was... full of complications... but there are some. Type 2 can be very stressful because if you don't slow down the work of the pancreas you could develop type 1. You have to lose weight if you want this to happen and with this in mind you have to work very hard. Also, pills can be uncomfortable, some people take 1, others take 4 or more. Having to take pills every morning knowing you'll never get rid of diabetes is stressful and scary. Diabetes has been around forever, with amazing innovations, discoveries, and plain old dumb luck. Scientists, by chance, discover how to diagnose people with diabetes by identifying the symptoms associated with the disease. it can be difficult, stressful and annoying. In the 1960s insulin needles were made of glass, it hurt to insert them because they were ¾ to 1 inch long. Now we have needles, pumps and plastic pens that make diabetes much easier.