According to a 2013 national survey of youth risk behaviors among U.S. high school students conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "81% did not use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy during the last sexual intercourse.”(1) This rate is disturbingly high and preventable. A sex education class will show students the importance of using protection during sex and how to use it correctly. A teacher will explain the importance of condoms and how to use them. The course will also provide girls with knowledge about birth control and where to purchase it. This course will provide knowledge to students who are unaware of how security works. For example, some students do not know how to properly wear a condom or take contraceptives. Therefore, even if they think they are protected, they may not be. With this course students will know the proper techniques and will be able to ensure they are protected correctly. Additionally, a sex education program will address sexually transmitted diseases. According to the organization Do Something, "young people between the ages of 15 and 25 contract 19 million sexually transmitted diseases each year." (1) With a sex education class, an instructor will explain how unprotected sex can cause sexually transmitted diseases. A lesson will also show how to treat sexually transmitted diseases and how to prevent them from contracting them. Students will learn about safe sex through sex education