Although the Internet was one of humanity's most important and revolutionary inventions, it creates a totalitarian society. With the Internet comes the ability to tap into an infinite network of knowledge available to anyone with a device capable of connecting to it. However, along with these vast benefits also come serious dangers. The Internet represents a major threat to individual privacy and freedom of expression that has existed in the United States for hundreds of years. The brain of human beings is being rewired to the “outer brain” that was forced into our lives. Although more information is available, humans are becoming closed-minded and limited in thinking. The Internet has replaced society as a source of influence and control that will significantly affect future generations. George Orwell's novel 1984 has become relevant again with the emergence of the Internet. The Internet has brought about the realization of George Orwell's nightmare: the creation of a totalitarian society. In 1984, control was achieved by using language to limit thought, so the Internet can be used to control access to information in order to shape society and limit ideas. The Internet has proven to be a medium that has brought about an international revolution towards uniformity in thought and action. The Google search engine is used by over 65% of Internet users worldwide (Infographic). As a result, people searching for specific topics around the world will read the same articles. Therefore, you collect similar information and this prevents you from choosing what you want to read. By sorting the sources, Google only presents those it deems applicable to the viewer, thus limiting its freedom by showing the same results for… middle of paper… are trends that may simply be indicators of something worse ahead. As we have seen in Asia, the Internet can be a powerful tool that corrupt governments can abuse to force citizens to think alike. The Internet, although it can be very useful for accumulating information, creates uniformity among the public and shapes the way we act. The vast number of people contributing to the Internet has created a global community. However, the online society is encroaching on reality: becoming a driving force of public cultural change. The result is a one-sided, totalitarian society that mirrors George Orwell's nightmare of 1984. In the future, the Internet will continue to be a new challenge that society will constantly have to fight against. As we face these challenges, we must bear in mind the warnings issued in 1984 by George Orwell.