Topic > Desirees Baby: Race and Racism in Desiree's Baby

They vow to love each other for better or for worse, for better or for worse. They vow to grow old together and enjoy life. If by any chance children appear during that marriage, they too should be loved and cared for by each parent, whatever the circumstances. In this story Armand asked Desiree to marry her and later had a precious child. At first it seems that Armand really loved Desiree and her baby; until she later noticed that her baby was purebred. Desiree shouted to the gentleman for help because first her mother and now her husband claim that her baby does not belong to her and she is not white. Deep down in her soul she knew she was decidedly white. He also compared her skin pigmentation to Armand's and showed him that she was much lighter than him. I feel Armand was very selfish and showed many signs of racism. It doesn't matter if your child is black, white, blue, or purple; he is still your son. One thing we humans should always remember is that when babies are conceived, they have no idea what is going on and don't make any plans to come into the world. So, that being said, Armand should never have let the color of his son's skin cause him to end his marriage to his