In their book The Lessons of History, historians Will and Ariel Durant warn that: "No man, however brilliant or knowledgeable, can arrive in a single lifetime at such a fullness of understanding to be able to judge and reject the customs or institutions of his society, because these are the wisdom of generations after centuries of experiments in the laboratory of history. A young man full of hormones will wonder why he should not give full freedom to his sexual desires and if he is not controlled by customs, morality or laws, he can ruin his life before he is mature enough to understand that sex is a river of fire that must be dammed and cooled by a hundred restrictions if it does not want to consume itself in chaos. 'individual than the group. (Durant 43) The rebellion and sexual revolution against the supposedly "archaic" and "outdated" traditions and customs of the ancients plays a significant role in the modern acceptance of licentious behavior between men and women, and especially in the support homosexuality. Blithely ignoring such lessons of history in favor of this “enlightened” worldview is short-sighted, foolish and counterproductive. Homosexuality is a mental and cultural aberration that must be seen as the disease that it is rather than condoned, if not praised. Literary critic, novelist, Christian apologist, and philosopher C.S. Lewis, regarding adherence to tradition, writes in The Abolition of Man that, "In the earliest systems both the kind of man the teachers wished to produce and the motives for producing him were prescribed by the Tao - a norm to which the teachers themselves were subject and from which they claimed no freedom to deviate they had chosen. They passed on what they had received: they initiated the young neophyte into the mystery of humanity that enveloped him and them alike they were nothing more than old birds teaching young birds to fly. (Lewis 451) The ancient world, with few exceptions, universally condemned homosexual practices. Although it was censured more severely with the advent of Christianity, it was thoroughly denounced by the ancients Hebrews (i.e. Genesis 19:1-12; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13) as well as in long-lived pagan societies such as the ancient Greeks and among Roman, Frankish, and Teutonic tribal cultures (Flaceliére 62-4). Christianity was not instigated at all