Flash Boys, by Michael Lewis, begins in a financial world that has been rehabilitated. Flash Boys was truly a great experience for me this quarter as Lewis put down his thoughts and ideas on the highly profitable and ethically unreliable business of high frequency trading. The new stock market, however, has replaced the human element with technological prowess. According to my research on Flash Boys, it was interesting to find one that enlightened us with exposition on HFT. Moving forward with HFT. This is a widely distributed corporate network that has been secretly laid approximately 827 miles of fiber optic cable connecting Chicago and northern New Jersey in the straightest possible line. The workers, who were told to keep quiet and avoid asking questions of their employer, found that almost all of his activities had predictable or desired results. He lost money when he should have made money. Before he could blink, the stocks that were likely to profit were trading much worse than their original market price. Brad wondered if his computer was damaged. After trial and error, he discovered that it wasn't a glitch at all. I was the new concept of high frequency trading. High-frequency trading, which involves the use of advanced computers with complex algorithms, allows companies to use information that arrives microseconds before others get it and make trades that end up costing investors tens of billions of dollars, according to Lewis . People like Dan Spivey oversee the construction of these aforementioned lines that cut through cities and rugged terrain to reach the shortest distance between two financial markets. High-frequency traders co-locate inside exchanges and gather information about trades before anyone else. For example, if an investor wants to buy a share of X at $10, a high frequency trader will purchase the share for that amount and sell it to the investor at $12 before the investor even notices. all orders arrived at the same time so they got the price they saw a second before they pressed that button. He also began to build a new system that removes HFT from the market Lewis shines in the darkest corners of the financial world - But in the end, I would like to conclude that Flash Boys is an uplifting story. It is also true that Lewis' flash boy focuses public attention on the system, which helped people understand the real trading environment within stocks.