Dr. Joe Romm, supervisor of the ClimateProgress.org blog and member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, writes in his essay "Climate Change Mitigation Is More Important Than Adaptation" about his view that changing the amount of carbon emissions are more important than the adaptation to climate change that scientists have observed in recent years. Romm writes that people can expect “desertification of a third of the planet and drought on half the planet, as well as the loss of all internal glaciers” (para. 9). Its intent is to demonstrate that global warming will lead to a lack of rain in some areas and the melting of most of the world's glaciers if man does not begin to act against the excessive emission of carbon into the atmosphere. Romm notes that the United States is pumping out approximately 30 billion tons of CO2 per year and that the number is increasing by more than 3% each year, and that with the annual growth rate seen today, when the projected level for 2020, just staying at that level for another 8 decades will require immediate action and strong global and national measures for an entire century. Romm uses this to support his argument that climate change will already be too powerful to adapt to in the future. Marco Visscher, freelance journalist