John seems to be involved with the wrong crowds. At his last check-in there was an obvious gang symbol marked between his two fingers. When he confronted John about the gang, he basically avoided the question. This was his bi-weekly checkup which required the administration of a drug test. In which the drug test came back positive for methamphetamine and marijuana. He does not appear to have a positive outlook and appears to be very uncooperative with his mother and the authorities. John, who may have a borderline drug addiction problem, will ultimately only make things worse for him. Now drugs will not only impact the arrest of minors for possession, sale, etc., but will also influence their (criminal) behavior in life. Drugs are something that in many cases comes from gang involvement. However, the young man takes the drug out of peer pressure and does so to fit in. Young people who turn to drugs and become addicted end up facing more criminal penalties. Young people are considered the most vulnerable to fall under peer, media and societal pressure, making them an easy target. Therefore, the use of drugs and/or alcohol deters their minds even more and helps make it easier for them to engage in further criminal actions. The drug test John was given came back positive for a very strong drug called drugcrystal meth. Crystal Meth is considered a powerful narcotic and is classified in the same class as ascocaine. This drug is primarily a street drug where it is used among individuals at parties, raves, among gangs, etc. The result of being addicted to methamphetamine for too long will lead to death. This drug is mainly considered to be a highly addictive drug of choice. The other drug John analyzes...... middle of paper ......lack/African Americans. Many African American, Asian, Caucasian and other races get involved in gangs because they are missing something in their lives. Below is a 2011 survey of percent race/ethnicity:Average race/ethnicity of gang members by area type, 2011Larger citiesSuburban countiesSmaller citiesRural countiesBlack or African American39.0%32.7%20.3%56 .8%Hispanic or Latino45.551.053.824.8White9.79.114 .614.9 Other The National Gang Center shows a diagram where women have a very small percentage of being in gangs. (As we can see below) Males are dominant in band formation. There is a small percentage of women who get involved in gangs. Therefore, African American or Hispanic males constitute the gender/race/ethnicity of gangs..