Topic > Experiential Family Therapy Personal Analysis

While many counselors can draw on more cognitive-behavioral models, helping to change patterns of thought and action, they may not recognize the client's underlying emotions which, if unchanged, could reverse their patterns of thought and action. act on the basis of the pre-consultation schemes. It is said that emotional vision leads to change, not intellectual vision. I fully agree and recognize that obviously bringing more awareness to thoughts and behaviors can be valuable, but bringing awareness to feelings can be even more profound to ultimately shift limiting beliefs and unhealthy behaviors. While EFT may seem individual-focused, allowing each member of a system (e.g. in a family session) to authentically and honestly share their feelings in a way they have not had the courage or opportunity to do so , can help reduce emotional suppression that can lead, for example, to acting abnormally in children. Internal Family Systems Therapy finds that people may have conflicting drives or inner parts, and allowing individuals in a system to give voice to these parts can reduce polarized behavior within the system, allowing for greater acceptance and appreciation of different feelings. While all of the above is helpful, I believe exploring feelings in the here and now without a compass can leave things wanting