Topic > Mental disorder In Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven

Poe used Personification to give the raven human qualities. The main example is the raven's ability to speak and Poe illustrates it "as if his soul were pouring out in that one word" (932). Ravne are unable to speak from their soul because people usually believe that only humans have souls, so giving the raven a soul is a use of personification. Furthermore, the raven demonstrated “the appearance of a lord or lady” (932). Attitude is the human quality that serves to show one's mood through a look or manner. Throughout history, crows have had a negative connotation. They are seen as an "evil thing!" (933). Now, everyone knows that birds are capable of making sounds, but they cannot speak meaningfully. However, the unnamed narrator hears the raven say the word never again constantly. This could mean two things. First, it was simply a normal response because he was "weak and tired" (931), or, second, he had a mental illness that caused him to hear voices. In any case, it seems that his subconscious was trying to tell him something through the crow. In his case there was the word never again. As a result, the raven constantly reminded him that he would never see Lenore