Topic > Effect of phytochrome and pythormone on germination...

This is because when seeds are exposed to red light, the active form of the chromoprotein known as Pfr is formed, which triggers plant growth and seed germination. The Red treatment had 43 total seeds and 17 germinated. The Red and Far-Red treatments had a total of 46 seeds and a total of 27 seeds germinated. The far-red treatment had a total of 53 seeds and germinated 39 seeds. The Far-red and red treatments consisted of 45 total seeds and 30 germinated seeds. The Dark treatment had the most seeds with 55 but only 35 seeds germinated. Finally, the Dark Treatment had a total of 45 seeds and 41 germination seeds, the highest of any treatment. This is because for seeds to germinate, the plant must have sufficient light and water absorption. Plants, such as lettuce seeds, that undergo phytochrome-medicated seed germination, can grow better in red light as they absorb all the light available for photosynthesis