Everyday risks arise in various workplaces through a variety of situations. Risk managers were established to establish rules and guidelines for employees to follow. Any risk manager would agree that programs are put in place to reduce exposure risks and provide a safe working environment. Eliminating unwanted outcomes in an emergency setting is critical and should not be taken lightly. The medical facility holds the key to important protocols and must work closely with risk management to instill cooperation. Risk managers identify, evaluate, prioritize, and control risks that impact an organization's assets or members (University of Wisconsin, 2013). In more ways than one, risk managers are important for accessing issues and predicting the magnitude of the expected outcome. In the event of an emergency situation, the undesirable outcome would ultimately be loss of life. Risk managers are the key members to prevent losses, damages and negative outcomes. Regardless of the type of emergency medical service, risk managers must manage a certain level of risks. According to the University of Wisconsin (2013), there is no single defined method or solution to effectively manage risks. Purpose of the Risk Management Plan The Risk Management Plan is designed to provide safe treatment and monitoring of patients within the facility's care setting. Healthcare professionals have the utmost responsibility to ensure that patients are provided with the necessary training for the future reduction of illnesses and injuries. Managing organizational risks within the facility along with risks external to the community is the mission. Managing an emergency is unique in every sense. All situations... middle of paper... even when staff are wearing personal protective equipment. After considering all possible scenarios, the healthcare personnel is ready to treat the patient. During patient treatment, several events occur that place healthcare personnel in more danger than expected. Patients lose enormous amounts of blood and decisions must be made quickly. At this point the healthcare staff had considered all the possible scenarios that could go wrong in the event of exposure to dangerous body fluids but had not foreseen the dangers to the patient. At this point it is necessary to plan for new risks promptly. Ultimately, the answer is to treat the patient in a healthy and safe manner, without risk to the health of the staff or the patient. This is just one of the simple scenarios that could occur that would require the use of your risk management plan.