Having different people of different ethnicities can help you learn and understand different cultures. The more you are exposed to different ethnic backgrounds, the more likely you are to accept others. David Corteau states, “Unfortunately, cultural difference often leads to inequality and conflict as groups with more power oppress, exploit, or otherwise discriminate against those who are different and have less power” (76). Multiculturalism can lead to racism, which can sometimes cause violence. Every ethnicity has a sense of ethnocentrism, you believe that your ethnicity is superior to others. With ethnicity you have social solidarity because you have your own cultural norms that you share with your own nationality. You share the same values and morals that are traditions specific to your ethnicity. Your ethnicity gives you a sense of identity and belonging to a community of people who have the same culture and traditions. Ethnicity provides you with a sense of collective identity and you also have an attachment to your life