Although it may not occur often, Lareau fails to provide examples of different social classes using the opposite parenting style that is expected. Not all families are the same. In this book, every middle- and upper-class family focuses on concerted cultivation, and all working-class and lower-class families focus on achieving natural growth as a parenting style. The book shows absolutely no examples of working-class or lower-class families raising their children in concerted cultivation parenting styles and vice versa. From a personal point of view, I grew up middle class and according to these two parenting styles it is likely that I will have been raised in an environment of concerted cultivation, but in reality I was raised with a mix of concerted cultivation and realization of natural growth with more of a emphasis on realizing natural growth. There are most likely many other families who may mix these two parenting styles together or use one that is not commonly associated with their social class and Lareau failed to represent those families as well in her