The Sky Fisherman by Craig Lesley is the story of a boy learning to find balance in life. Culver and his mother Flora move to the small town of Gateway to start over their troubled past. Culver will witness the effects of guilt and debt repayment on his uncle as he tries to rebalance the Gateway community. Guilt and debt encourage people to make unwise decisions in favor of those they are repaying. Their goal is to make things fair and just. Life balances itself. Life has a way of evening out and making situations right. As Culver watched Tyler and Seaweed plummet to their deaths, Culver thought, “The full reality of the danger of the fire had hit, the sheer insanity of it. There was this inferno at the mill and along the cold bridge, but no one was killed or blown into the fuel tanks. However, on the roof of the cooperative, apparently a relatively safe place, two men had fallen to their deaths. "(Lesley 159). Two men ended up losing their lives during the mill fire. The perpetrators of the fire are responsible not only for the destruction of the mill, but also for the deaths of two men. Chain reactions happen to many people in real life. They could do something that will affect other people. For example, when someone is driving and goes the wrong way on a one-way street, they could hit someone else. If they did that, that person would be harmed and could be sued chain manage to stabilize. Later in the book, when Billyum was talking to the guys in the back, he said: “'Found a burned vehicle, way out in the woods... Two dead guys in it. Big moose in the back. All black as hamburgers .”… “Do you have any idea who they were?” «Burned, too bad to say. But I guess… middle of paper… alone on the river to check on the house, because he realized that the face he saw was his brother's. Jake knew it was time to repay his debt to his brother. Just like his brother, Jake went alone on the river and was claimed by the Lost River. When people feel guilty for not being able to save a loved one, they often try to redeem themselves for that person. Some people change their lifestyle to do good things, while others choose to repay them with their lives. Ultimately, people want to repay their debt to others. People tend to give in to guilt. Guilt can cause people to blame themselves and make unwise decisions. They will try to repay their debt to that person by reclaiming their own life or justifying the situation in favor of the dead person. Even if the situation hurt someone, people try to make it right. Life balances itself.