Topic > Types of research - 1401

Research is done every day. Research is used in the many different situations that managers encounter every day. Research is part of the manager's problem-solving activity to make decisions. Research is defined as “the process of finding solutions to the problem after in-depth study and analysis of the situational factor” (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for day-to-day operational problems and for larger problems that may require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able to communicate with hired consultants because they understand the process of investigating, investigating, examining, and explaining. Managers are also able to understand the difference between good and bad studies and can apply their research to solve their problems (Sekaran, 2003). There are two types of searches. Both have many similarities in the scientific process of research; however the final results differ in their use. Both types of searches can be business searches. “Business research is described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the business environment that needs a solution” (Sekaran, p5, 2003). The first type of research is formal research. Formal research is often referred to as basic research. Basic research is research conducted on common problems that different organizations may face. This research finds a solution to these common problems for organizations to use later. Research development departments and professors are two researchers who use formal research to study specific interests focusing on developing solutions for different organizations that may encounter the same problems (Sekaran, 2003). Managers use the second type of research… middle of the paper… social performance in B2B companies. Bloemer, J.M., Kasper, H.D.P., (1995). The complex relationship between consumer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 2, 311-329. Sivadas, E., Baker-Prewitt. (2000). An examination of the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and store loyalty within the retail department store. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 28, 2, 73-82.Cronin, J. J., Brady, M. K., Thomas, G., Huit, M. (2000). Evaluating the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing, 76, 2, 193-218.Mittal, B., Lassar, W. M. (1998). Why does the customer change? The dynamics of satisfaction versus loyalty. Journal of Service Marketing, 12, 3, 177-194.Uncles, MD, Dowling, G.R., Hammond