Introduction In the current economic environment, organizations need adequate funds to operate effectively and efficiently. An organization's financial strength allows them to have a competitive advantage over their competitors. Since the main goal of most organizations is profit maximization, all their activities are oriented towards raising funds. Organizations should therefore engage in activities that increase their revenue. There are several activities that organizations engage in with the aim of generating funds (, 2011). Although organizations aim for profit maximization, they are always driven by their mission. In the process of deciding which activities to involve in raising funds, the organization must consider a few factors. The processes should not affect the relationship between the organization and the general public (, 2011). An organization can raise funds through donations. An organization can attract funding from donors depending on its activities and mission statement. The organizations that mainly benefit from donor funding are mostly non-governmental organizations, the largest beneficiaries being non-profit organizations. These organizations attract funding from donors by engaging in social services aimed at assisting the needy and less fortunate (, 2011). An organization can also raise funds through loans from financial institutions. The organization's financial reputation greatly influences the amount a financial institution can lend to it. Organizations that appear to generate more revenue are likely to receive recommendable assistance from such institutions. The most common way for organizations to raise money has been through promotions. O......half of the document......first important in determining objectives and implementing them. These are strongly influenced by the environment, the stage of development and the type of organization (Vijanbe, 2011), (2011). How companies raise capital. Retrieved from:, (2011). Types of business environment. Retrieved from:, (2010). Competitive advantage. Retrieved from:, (2011). Competition. Retrieved from:,3699,en_2649_37463_1_1_1_1_37463,00.htmlInvestopedia, (2011). Basics of economics: monopolies, oligopolies and perfect competition. Retrieved from: