386). Furthermore, research has suggested that people who score high in extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness to experience on the Big Five personality test have an advantage regarding leadership effectiveness (Robbins, Judge, 2009, p. 386). However, according to the week 6 presentation, having certain personality traits does not mean you will be a great leader (Fischer, 2009). Instead, research shows that a high level of emotional intelligence is associated with effective leadership because the leader is able to demonstrate his or her ability to influence by caring for the people around him or her (Fischer, 2009). In a Business Perspectives & Research article, a test of the effects of emotional intelligence was completed, in which these managers showed "superior performance compared to their colleagues with lower EQ both in terms of contextual performance (teamwork and cohesion ) than task performance (quality) of work completed)” (Dabke, 2016), leaders who can demonstrate that they truly care about their employees maintain a higher level of loyalty and dedication with attitude. positive This is also similar to a biblical story in John 13, where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples: His humility and servant attitude showed that he truly cared for his followers, which inspired a covenant relationship. deeper with him (ESV). “This is enough