We have seen from history and other resources that white people tend to discriminate against people of color. The story of two little girls provides insight into how they became friends after their prejudicial reactions. An African American girl named Bonna discriminated against a white girl named Ranette Bosems. Bonna called her "White Trash" because Ranette called her "Nigger". This incident does not appear to be discrimination. This story gives information about where Ranette is from and everyone there calls black people the N-word. However, Ranette didn't know this and it made his peer so angry. Ranette moved north and most of the girls were black and she was the only white girl in school. The teacher helped both girls become friends and forget all their color differences. Ranette also didn't come to school for a week and Bonna went to her house to find out what happened to her. He found nothing in the house and predicted that Ranette would move again. Now she really misses Ranette, the girl she called "White Trash" (Muse, 1-6). The example above shows how knowing a person of a different color helped her eliminate her own stereotypes about them