Topic > The meaning of the song: an analysis of the 'taps'

The idea that knowledge can simply reflect the world leads to the uncritical identification of reality and rationality: the world is experienced as rational and necessary, thus deflating the attempts to change It. Instead, critical theorists attempt to develop a mode of consciousness and cognition that breaks down the identity of reality and rationality, viewing social facts not as inevitable constraints on human freedom… but as pieces of history that can be changed. The reason I chose the topic of racism in the classroom is twofold. First, I work in a suburban school district where I occasionally witness social inequities for students of color manifest themselves and greatly impact learning. Second, I grew up in a family that espoused racist beliefs and principles. This self-examination serves as a critical means to come face to face with aspects of my distorted misconceptions and perhaps begin to cultivate an undue family legacy of hurtful thoughts and