Driving age should be raised to eighteenUnder federal driver licensing laws in the United States, the current minimum legal driving age to obtain a driving license Restricted driving varies by state at fourteen years, three months in South Dakota up to seventeen in New Jersey. Many high school teenagers at this point are driving around in their vehicles, adapting and learning the rituals of the road. But it is also a time when many teenagers are at greater risk due to many activities that teenagers are expected to do at their age. From drinking under the influence, to taking drugs that can affect mental and physical stability and result in mental performance, to the level of caution when it comes to cell phone use while driving a two ton death machine. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for US teenagers. The risk of car accidents is higher among teenagers aged sixteen to nineteen than any other age group. That's why we insist that legal driving should be increased from eighteen to twenty-one years. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States.1 In the first month of driving for a teenager, the risk of an accident is particularly high.5,6 14% of the US population is represented by young people aged fifteen and twenty years old. However, they account for 30% (nineteen billion dollars) of the total cost of motor vehicle accidents among men and 28% (seven billion dollars) of the total cost of motor vehicle accidents among women. In 2012, two thousand eight hundred and twenty-three adolescents, between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, died in the United States due to traffic accidents.2 Seventy-nine percent of adolescents killed in accidents in 2012 were… paper……farther and would reduce the number of accidents on the roads.10 Adding one year to the minimum age would lead to maturity in all areas and increase awareness of the dangers of driving.11The main cause of death for adolescents is road accidents. If the driving age were to be raised to eighteen then parents and educators will have more time to prepare these future drivers in safe driving practices. It is inevitable to avoid the risk of getting into a road accident and the chances of having one will always be present. But young minors and adults who are not yet involved in the adult world and who still have many things to do and accomplish by then should not be in this kind of danger yet. Asking to raise the driving age will give teens and young adults more time to do more, learn more, and mature enough to prepare for what's out there..