IntroductionMany of the developmental problems that children face in youth are related to disorders that affect their learning and behavior patterns. While the average child goes through a range of normal variations in their behaviors, children with these types of developmental problems go beyond the range of typical actions. However, not just one disorder is responsible for these progressive problems. There are several and they can range from highly destructive to those that barely pose a problem in a child's daily activity. Among many is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children who have a short attention span and are unable to stay on task are believed to be affected by this disorder. Here we will look at the characteristics and symptoms common to those who share this disorder, including the history and how its many problems can often be treated. What is "ADHD"?: A Brief History Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder commonly diagnosed in children, hindering an individual's ability to take on responsibilities, the ability to control one's behavior and interferes with your ability to regulate your activity level. First described to the public by Heinrich Hoffman, a German physicist, in 1845, ADHD plagued families for many years before it was recognized as a disorder. The current terminology of "ADHD" was not officially familiar until 1902, when the British pediatrician, Sir George Still, described "an abnormal defect of moral control in children" based on his observations of the inability of "mentally retarded" children to control their behavior as typical children would. But despite its widespread use, it has taken the world of science many years to understand and accept it as... the center of life... paper, these children will be able to prioritize their responsibilities and their work. processes to achieve their goals. Works Cited Allen, K. Eileen, and Ilene S. Schwartz. The exceptional child: Inclusion in early childhood education. 7th ed. Albany, New York: Delmar, 1996. 175-206. Press.Holland, Kimberly. “The History of ADHD: A Chronology.” The History of ADHD: A Chronology. Ed. Giorgio Kurcix. Healthline, July 12, 2013. Web. November 28, 2013. .Merrill, David B. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” NCBI. US National Library of Medicine, March 23, 2013. Web. November 27, 2013. .Quinn, Patricia. “ADHD Diagnosis: Testing for Children and Adults.” WebMD. Ed. WebMD and Web. 07 December. 2013. .