High-functioning alcoholics (HFAs) differ from normal alcoholics in that they are responsible and can maintain healthy romantic and family relationships (addiction intervention). They live a double life, where one moment they can be drunk and partying, and the next moment be a mother and wife. Statistically, most HFAs are white with professional jobs such as healthcare workers, managers/administrators, professional technicians, teachers, and sales associates. 89% of HFA are white, 20% managers/administrators, 20% technical professionals, 6% healthcare workers, 5% sales, and 3% teachers (Alcoholics Anonymous). Most HFA are also married with children, representing 38% while the others are single, 29% single, 24% divorced, 5% separated and 4% widowed (Alcoholics Anonymous). Most types of HFA have an underlying factor such as perfectionism, multigenerational alcoholism, anxiety, smoking, or major depressive illness (National Institutes of Health). HFA is a semi-rare disease, accounting for 19.5% of alcoholics. HFA can go unnoticed for decades and will usually not be known until a serious crisis such as a DWI or accident occurs (New York Times). It becomes very difficult to even classify most people with HFA as alcoholics because they have stable jobs, good family relationships, and rarely have trouble with the law (New York Times). Most people with HFA do not drink in public, usually only drinking when they are at home alone. They also do not rely on alcohol psychically, but only mentally, they can go for weeks without drinking without withdrawal (New York Times). Some of the most notable people in history have been diagnosed with HFA. One of the most important and well-known is former First Lady Betty Ford. Betty Ford's fa......middle of paper...t Bush and Betty Ford. Recovery is a difficult road to travel, but it can be successful if you complete the steps required by the rehab you go through. Work Cited: Allen Benton, MS, LMHC, Sarah. Understanding high-functioning alcoholics. 1.Praeger,2009. PrintAlcoholics, anonymous. “AA survey shows key role of healthcare workers.” Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous, 2006. Web. March 3, 2011. Broady, Jane E. “High Functioning, But Still Alcoholics.” New York Times (2009): n. page Web.3 Mar 2011.Intervention, Addiction. “How to Recognize a High-Functioning Alcoholic.” Addiction Intervention 2009: n. page Network. March 3, 2011. "Research identifies subtypes of alcoholism." NIH News (2007): n. page Network. March 3, 2011.Thompson, Leslie. “Hiding Alcoholism: The High-Functioning Alcoholic.” Addiction to Everything (2009): n. page Network. March 3 2011.