Definition of termsContamination/Contaminant(s) - Material(s) placed in the wrong containers, for example, finding paper and refundable documents in the designated containers for the garbage. Finding recyclable materials in individual containers designated for trash is considered contamination and vice versa. Trash/Waste - Food waste, glass, used paper towels and non-recyclable materials Recyclable Plastics - Those plastics with identification codes 1-6 listed in the Fredericton Region Solid Waste Commission's Recycling Program. Individual Containers - Individual containers assigned only to the garbage.Three-compartment containers: a container made up of three sections; refundable, paper and trash.UNB - University of New BrunswickUNBF - University of New Brunswick Fredericton1.0 OverviewGlobal increases in population and urbanization have led to huge increases in waste levels. The amount of waste generated reflects a society's production and consumption patterns and has a direct impact on human health and the environment. UNB, with its growing population of students and staff, generates tons of waste from paper to electronics to plastic to organic waste. By diverting waste from landfill and recycling it through the Fredericton Solid Waste Commission's recycling program, the university will achieve its strategic plan of building a better university and province; reduce resource consumption and ultimately help protect the environment. The UNBF Sustainability Department then chose my services to undertake a recycling project from May 2015 to August 2015.2.0 PurposeThe purpose of the project was to quantify the waste generated in some selected buildings; determine the rate of contamination in the current container system; to provide recommendations......half of the paper......from a contracting company.4.2 Recyclable paper and cartonsThe paper bin on the three-bin bin distributed across campus and the plastic recycling boxes and bins in some offices they are used to collect waste paper. Cleaning staff regularly collect and store paper in 95-gallon recycling bins. The paper is subsequently taken back by the Fredericton Solid Waste Commission for recycling.4.3 Refundable Materials The refundable materials compartment on three-bin containers, along with some individual recycling containers, is cordoned off for bottles and cans. Refunds are again collected by cleaning staff and sent to the Fredericton Solid Waste Commission.4.4 Scrap Metal Recyclable metal is collected and stored separately from general waste by Facilities Management and subsequently collected by Laagland Recyclers. This was outside the scope of this project.