Topic > Disadvantages of Code Switching - 842

Code switching can lead people to believe that the person learning the new language will not be able to communicate properly. According to Rose M. Fernandez, “Code switching, especially between English and Spanish, is interpreted as a linguistic deficit that reveals the speaker's lack of proficiency in both languages. (52) Julianne E. Hammink also agrees with this theory and states: "code-switching is considered a form of low prestige, incorrect, poor speech, or the result of incomplete mastery of the two languages." (Hammink 1) On the other hand, some see code-switching as a useful way to communicate effectively. For example, a bilingual student may feel more comfortable and find it easier to get their point across using code-switching. According to Ana Huerta Macias “code switching is used to elaborate, emphasize, specify and clarify for effective communication”. However, there are effective and ineffective ways of code switching. An ineffective form of code-switching is when a person is making a statement and stops due to a language barrier. In this case the person tries to explain what they are trying to say using words they know but the other person does not. A form of effective code-switching is when someone uses code-switching to explain their point and is able to communicate effectively