Have you ever wanted to create your own web page to showcase your business, hobbies, or just yourself? Well, to create a web page, you need to have knowledge of HyperText Markup Language, or HTML for short. It is a textual code that makes visible the information that the user wants to insert into a web page. I will explain the concept and the development, process and impact it has on today's world. But to get started, the image below is an example of what HTML now looks like. HTML was developed in the 1980s by Tim Berners-Lee simply as a system for sharing documents within his company at CERN. Then he came up with the idea of hypertext, text displayed on a computer screen or any type of electronic device, on the Internet to make things even easier. HTML was then officially created in the early 1990s. At the time, Berners considered it an application of SGML, which stands for Standard Generalized Markup Language, and it was defined as such in 1993 by the Internet Engineering Task Force. When it was released, it was publicly known as HTML Tags. It contained almost 20 elements that were in the original...