It is important that one must feel emotions to understand that that justifying reason is obligatory in some cases. Even if in some cases an emotion triggers a justification motive, this does not mean that the emotion will be more important of the two. Reason helps us determine good and bad emotions, and we may not be able to justify a moral decision without reason. It is seen that emotion and reason are associated and a decision may not be made if we cannot include either of them, so both are equally important to justify. Emotions can brainwash us into making decisions considering only the immediate consequences. If I see a new student in school being bullied, I may want to take the action of helping them because of my emotions, but then if I go to help the student I may be being bullied too. This shows that emotional reasoning cannot help justify a decision, so we must use reasoning too. A good reason for thinking about doing something that is a moral decision does not mean that it gives a good reason for a decision to be made in the future, it can also justify a decision made in the future.