Receiving a higher education has been a lifelong goal for me. My whole life I wanted a job saving animals, as I got older I realized that being a vet was my all time life goal. Even though I am currently a veterinary technician, I need to obtain a higher level of education to fully achieve my goal in life. Having a college degree gives me the nostalgia I crave; being able to say that I am in college and achieving my goals of becoming a veterinarian is rewarding for me. Being a role model for my daughter is also extremely important; by making her see that anything is possible if you put in the work, she will see that life is difficult and there will be constant roadblocks but with determination and hard work success is within reach. After completing college I will be able to get a better job and also receive a better salary. Going to college for a higher level of education is important for many, but not all. For me, going back to college will help me achieve many of my goals that I wanted. The college experience can differ for many different people, the reasons why people go to college differ from person to person. One of the reasons I go back to college is to achieve my goal. My whole life I have wanted to go to college and eventually receive a veterinary license. After completing high school I started university and after three years I dropped out to become a wife and mother. For many years I felt that I would not be able to return to school and complete my life goal for many different reasons: Money and time were the two main issues I faced if I wanted to return to college. After many years I decided I would never have more money or more time, so it was time for me to just deal with... the paper... it needs. I wanted to have the education I had wanted for so many years. Works Cited Berggren, Caroline. “The Influence of Higher Education Institutions on Labor Market Outcomes.” European Education 42.1 (2010): 61-75. Academic research completed. EBSCO. Network. March 9, 2011. Haleman, Diana. “Great Expectations: Single Mothers in Higher Education.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE) 17.6 (2004): 769-784. Academic research completed. EBSCO. Network. March 9, 2011. Lei, Simon A. “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Evaluating Advantages and Disadvantages from the Perspective of College Instructors.” Journal of Educational Psychology 37.2 (2010): 153-160. Academic research completed. EBSCO. Network. March 7, 2011.Wald, Rhoada. "Studies on aging in the elderly." LLI Review 2.(2007): 99-104. Academic research completed. EBSCO. Network. March 11. 2011.