Prostitution is considered the oldest profession in the world. Many people support the idea of legalizing prostitution, while others do not. This controversial debate has been going on since the beginning of time. I want to take a stand on the value of human worth, which is why I oppose the legalization of prostitution between consenting adults in our state. The structure of society is losing ground every day in terms of what some people consider human rights. I understand the importance of having the freedom to exercise our rights. Some of these rights are morally wrong and do not necessarily improve society. If prostitution is legalized, society will continue to decline in structure and moral standards. This decline in structure will cause extreme social problems, such as couples' commitment to remaining monogamous. The Bible states: “Because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have abandoned themselves to sensuality, so as to indulge in all sorts of impurities, with a continuous longing for something more,” (“Women's Devotional Bible Eph. 4.18”). This is not about religion, but about the understanding that we are created to feel emotions and desire intimacy with limitations. These limitations are for our safety and security. The intimacy of a couple penetrates deeply into the mind and soul, which belongs to two people in love. Sexual acts outside of a romantic relationship are simply lustful and violent. Should a person settle for anything less? I think not. Money cannot buy love, only empty pleasure and the desire for something more. What is the value of a person's body? Priceless, therefore, people should not sell themselves short for impurity. In my opinion, prostitution is a form of human... middle of paper ......wanting to legalize prostitution has a personal interest in the matter. It all boils down to the selfish desire for a service that will harm someone else, while others will earn money from brothels and prostitutes. The exchange of money will likely include the government. The state should choose to leave this illegal act of sex trafficking alone. The decision to legalize prostitution will hold us all accountable and cause division within the community. There's a reason prostitution is already illegal. While I don't know why prostitution is illegal, I know why it should remain illegal. The government does not have a regulated structure implemented to control prostitution. Legislators can create a policy to organize the legalization of prostitution, but not all people will adhere to this framework. The ongoing controversy exists, so let it exist.