Topic > Ecobotage in today's world - 527

Ecological sabotage “ecosabotage” is the social movement against the destruction or misuse of our natural land in today's world. Ecoboteurs believe that damage to Mother Earth is multiple and occurs everywhere. Actions such as whaling and nuclear war are extreme cases of harmful behavior that is legally permitted, but potentially destructive to our environment; actions such as pollution and global warming also pose a threat, although they are not as extreme. Although the term is new to me, I know a couple of environmentalists. I believe ecobotage is a legal right enjoyed by Americans and the human race. If wealth and politicians can legally destroy the earth, citizens should also be able to prevent this destruction. I am convinced that ecoboteurs have saved the world time and time again for years. The hypothesis put forward by an ecoboteur that ecological misfortune could lead to World War III seems to be a possibility. As populations increase and resources decline, conflicting nations may have to struggle for the limited resources of our current world ...