Topic > Outdoor Recreation - 1383

Outdoor recreation has existed for more than 80 centuries. Over the years, outdoor recreation has evolved in many different ways. Outdoor recreation began as a tool for survival strategies, such as hunting and fishing. As the years passed, people continued to hunt and fish as a form of recreation. As a population, we can agree that outdoor recreation has many positive attributes such as personal satisfaction and enjoyment, as well as negative aspects that could equate to costly engagement in outdoor recreation. As time has passed, statistics on the engagement of the population participating in outdoor recreation have seen ups and downs. These fluctuations could cause many problems in the future of outdoor recreation around the world. There are three main topics we will focus on in this document; what influences the future of outdoor recreation, demographics and technology. Counties, states, territories and provinces must realize and consider what may affect the future, such as new developments (homes, businesses and factories), a decrease in natural resources due to logging, mining and oil extraction. Technology has also had a major impact on the daily functioning of the world. It also plays an important role in outdoor recreation. Some forms of technology also prevent people from experiencing outdoor recreation, examples include the Internet, gaming and television. While many can create a positive influence, for example, new ways of traveling outdoors, such as dirt bikes and other types of technology that have a negative impact such as soil erosion. The last topic we will touch on in this article is the demographic factor. Governments m......middle of paper......m. For example, the noise they create can scare wildlife into migrating to a different location, leaving that piece of land that once thrived with wildlife diminishing in variety. Pollution from motors can damage the flora surrounding the dirt path. These travel devices not only affect flora and fauna, but can help reduce the number of individuals who wish to travel to or from a specific location. Many people may not want to go on a quiet walk or birding excursion and then be disturbed by a loud noise of people passing by on four-wheelers and eventually speeding past them. Several ways to prevent these types of circumstances have been implemented in my parks, trails and bodies of water. At Mindens Bay Lodge, in Minden, Ontario, they have separated the lakes into non-motorized lakes (Round Lake) and mortise lakes (Gull Lake).