Department of Aging and Disability Services In the state of Texas there are many who are unable to care for themselves while trying to perform the basic daily activities of daily living (Butler, 2009). The State of Texas Department of Health and Human Services has an organization within it called the Department of Aging and Disability Services that focuses on enabling them to live independent and productive lives within their community ( DADS, 2008). Services such as adult day care, assisted living facilities, home health care, home and community programs, independent nursing homes, inpatient nursing homes, and residential care for people with mental retardation are provided (DADS, 2008). Depending on what the person is dealing with their health will determine which program best suits their needs. The Department of Aging and Disability Services, the Texas Aging and Disabilities Services Council, which studies the overall program and makes recommendations on how to manage and operate the department (DADS, 2008). The council studies different consumer outcomes, consumer complaints and case manager statistics and bases their recommendations on this. There are many results that the program hopes to produce, the main one being to help improve the lifestyle of those who use the program. Some of the people who participate in the program may not have the self-esteem to do things on their own because their illness may prevent them from doing so, but through the program they can learn to take care of themselves again (Butler, 2009). Encouragement from those helping with the program can help consumers feel like they can do it on their own again, and the program allows them to... middle of paper... at home, and service agencies community supports comply with state and federal standards; and indirect administration to help ensure efficient, quality and effective administration of the services provided (DADS, 2008). Works CitedIssel, L.M. (2004). Health program planning and evaluation. Sudbury, MA:Jones and Bartlett Publishers.McKenzie, J.F., Neiger, B.L., Thackeray, R. (2009). Planning, implementation and evaluation: health promotion programs. Pearson Education, Inc.: Sacramento, CA.Ms. Loretta Butler (2009). Interview. DADS Supervisor. Novick, L. F., Morrow, C. B., & Mays, G. P. (2008). Public Health Administration; principles for population-based management. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (2008). Find out more about DADS. Retrieved March 13, 2008, from