Digital collation can streamline the process and make it easier for teachers to compare early drafts of academic work with later drafts side by side without having to scan large volumes of paper work documents. 6. Digital collection mitigates the need to transport and manage stacks of student work, saves paper, and allows teachers to set submission deadlines outside of class time.7. The digital collection and return of student work allows the teacher to simplify the process of returning assessed work while ensuring its security. 8. ICT facilities now exist that allow instructors to digitally insert pre-written margin comments, which ensures that comments are readable, while reducing the time spent by instructors writing the same comment over and over again on multiple documents , which makes explanations facilitate students' understanding of the feedback and reduce extensive writing by the teacher.9. There are other facilities that provide automatic checking of student written work against a database of student documents and online work for plagiarism, thus discouraging students from